Page Fusion Objects

Neos.Neos:Page: The basis for rendering full HTML pages.

On this page, we show Fusion prototypes relevant for building Pages in Neos.

The automatically generated API documentation for all Node Types can be found in the reference. There, all properties are specified, wherehas here, we try to focus on common use cases.


Neos.Neos:Page is the main prototype for rendering pages, responsible for the full markup of a page. This is also the place where CSS and HTML is added to the head of the page.

It is necessary to use Neos.Neos:Page to have the Neos editing work correctly.

By default, for a Document node with a given name, the Fusion prototype with the same name is used for rendering - and it is expected that this one inherits from Neos.Neos:Page.

A simple (but not yet useful) example looks like this:

# if you have a Document Node type of the name "MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Document.MyPage",
# then automatically, the Fusion prototype of the same name
# is used for rendering the page by default.
prototype(MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Document.MyPage) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) {
    body = Neos.Fusion:Component {
        renderer = afx`
            <h1> Hello World</h1>
#Adding CSS and JS

CSS can be registered via head.stylesheets, and JavaScript via head.javascripts. Both are an array (Neos.Fusion:Join). A common practice is using AFX and the StaticResource Eel Helper as follows:

prototype(MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Document.MyPage) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) {
    head { = afx`
              <link rel="stylesheet" href={StaticResource.uri('MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject', 'Public/Styles/Main.css')} media="all" />
        ` = afx`
              <script src={StaticResource.uri('MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject', 'Public/Styles/Main.js')}></script>


    // ...

Using Neos.Fusion:Component for header content

Instead of using afx`...` above, you can also use a separate Neos.Fusion:Component for the header assets, to improve reusability.

#The Page Body Template

We suggest using a separate Neos.Fusion:Component as the page body template- which we often call layout (naming-wise).

A full example can then work like this:

prototype(MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Document.AbstractPage) < prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) {
    head { = MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Resources.HeaderAssets

    body = MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Layout.Default {
        content = Neos.Neos:ContentCollection {
            nodePath = 'main'

																						prototype(MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Resources.HeaderAssets) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    renderer = afx`
      <link rel="stylesheet" href={StaticResource.uri('MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject', 'Public/Styles/Main.css')} media="all" />

prototype(MyVendor.AwesomeNeosProject:Layout.Default) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    // API
    content = ''
    menu = ''
    // Implementation
    renderer = afx`
            Some very long markup here for the page template
#Internal Behavior

Neos.Neos:Page is basically a big array for the different parts of a page, inheriting from Neos.Fusion:Join. It consists of the following sections:

  • doctype: <!DOCTYPE html>
  • htmlTag: <html>
  • headTag: <head>
  • head: Neos.Fusion:Join
    • stylesheets: Neos.Fusion:Join
      • This is what you write yourself.
    • javascripts: Neos.Fusion:Join
      • This is what you write yourself.
    • You can add extra sections to the <head> here yourself.
  • closingHeadTag: </head>
  • bodyTag: <body>
  • body:
    • This is what you write yourself.
  • closingBodyTag: </body>
  • closingHtmlTag: </html>


Make sure to not directly write to Page instead of Page.body, as otherwise your output might appear f.e. before the <body> tag.

#Rendering Menus and Content

Content nodes on a page are usually rendered via Neos.Neos:PrimaryContent and Neos.Neos:ContentCollection. This is explained in the next chapter.

Menus are explained on a separate page as well.

#Different Page Templates

Remember that by default, for a Document node with a given name, the Fusion prototype with the same name is used for rendering. This can be used to easily implement different page templates.

It is common practice to define a project-specific AbstractPage, and use this as the base for every individual page.

#Legacy Prototypes


Neos.Neos:Document should not be used anymore. It does not have any legitimate use-cases.